- Admission
- Admission policy
Admission policy
Heaven Learning Academy is a mixed comprehensive school for children aged 7-19.
General Principles
- Students will be admitted at age 7 without reference to ability / exam. The school directs an equal preference system which means applications will be considered via a first come first serve basis. Parents/Carers will need to complete and return the application form before the published closing date.
Ethos Statement
- The ethos of our school encompasses traditional approaches which lead to good behaviour, consideration, hard work, and respect. Our moto is “Motivation, Dedication, Success” and at HLA, we enforce this into all our students. We work with each individual student through an innovative approach to learn and teach in a supportive environment and a collaborative way. We work in partnership with parents and aim to achieve the best outcome possible.
- Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)
- In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with a Statement of SEN or an Education, Health or Care Plan are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement/Plan.